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Services we support

Across all our hospitals we work in a variety of wards and clinical areas including:

Trauma and Orthopaedics

This team works with patients who have had a range of trauma and planned surgery. Occupational therapists will focus upon how you will be able to manage daily living tasks and will advise and provide appropriate equipment and techniques to facilitate your independence.

Specialist Surgery and Vascular Medicine

This team is responsible the rehabilitation of patients who have undergone a surgical procedure that has affected their ability to manage daily living tasks. We have specialist vascular therapists that provide intervention to amputee patients, who work closely with Birmingham wheelchair service and can make recommendations regarding home adaptations.

Neurological OT Service

Providing inpatient rehab to stroke patients as well as to those with other neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, head injury, spinal injuries, Parkinson’s disease.

The team provides assessment and intervention for patients who have had a stroke or have other complex neurological conditions. Patients are seen on the wards and as outpatients in the medical day hospital. The therapists provide specialist assessments and treatment, focused upon normal movement, seating, cognitive and visual perception deficits and functional  independence.

We also provide an early supported discharge service for stroke patients who are medically fit for discharge, who are offered ongoing therapy in their own home. There is a strong emphasis on team working with other therapy colleagues.

Rheumatology Outpatient Service

The Team works with patients who have a wide range of Rheumatological Conditions. The occupational therapist will focus on improving ability to perform daily activities at work, in the home, at leisure or socially. Treatment is tailored to individual patient requirements and may include – advice on self management techniques, education on condition, joint protection and fatigue management, exercise programmes for the hand and upper limb, splint provision, training in task modification and provision of equipment to promote independent functioning.

There is a strong emphasis on team working with other therapists, nurses and medical colleagues.

Respiratory Medicine

This team focus upon helping patients who have respiratory complaints to manage their condition and its effect on their lifestyle.

The therapists are able to advise on equipment and compensatory techniques, energy conservation, relaxation therapy and also help to run the outpatient pulmonary rehab classes at Heartlands Hospital.

Medical and Elderly Teams

The teams work with patients who have complex physical, social and functional issues, providing rehabilitation for patients before returning home or having further therapy in the community setting.

This team also work alongside staff in the emergency department to prevent unnecessary hospital admission by arranging equipment and appropriate support in the community.


We have Occupational Therapists in  the Older People’s Assessment and Liaison (OPAL) teams in all our emergency departments and acute medical units. The teams see older people as soon as they arrive and liaise closely with community services to enable a “home-first” approach.

Other services

  • Renal medicine – this includes a renal outreach service to assess renal patients at home
  • Cardiology
  • Oncology
  • Infectious diseases – this includes an outpatient HIV service
  • Paediatric

Community Services

  • Community therapy – team of Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists who provide rehabilitation to promote independence and promote the ‘home first’ ethos.
  • Intermediate care/discharge to Assess community beds
  • Falls Team – multi-disciplinary team consisting of occupational therapists, physiotherapists and registered nurses who aim to reduce the risk of falls through a holistic assessment and the delivery person-centred interventions.

Last reviewed: 05 July 2023